We paid another visit to
XR & D yesterday, maybe our last visit as the shell is nearly finished - only about another week or two's work left to do now. However, we may go up again during the last week of the month to see her fully finished and decked out in her 'battleship grey' before she moves to Beacon for them to commence fitting out.

The bow
'Superbuilder' Gaz almost managed to avoid being photographed this time!
Chris & Lee - Lee is not in overalls because he's recovering from a back injury and only allowed to do things like paperwork and make tea
Bow well deck

Recessed panels where the boat name will be painted
How sad is this!! - Rog's engine still encased in plastic

Don't think much of this cafe - I had to carry the tea!!
After leaving XR & D we then went to Beacon of a 'fix' and to have a look at the progress of their current boat, 'Merryweather'. This is also nearly finished, and will be out of the workshop soon to make room for 'Windsong'. Sheila from S.A.B. Signs has made a superb job of the boat name, with a gorgeous little Cornish 'piskie' sitting on a toadstool underneath. Unfortunately, we forgot to get a photo before we left but will try to get Ali to take one and email it to me. Sheila will also be painting our boat name, and I am now desperately trying to think of a picture that we can use to do her beautiful artwork justice - all ideas will be most welcome!