Monday, 8 November 2010

Toe update

As so many of our readers have been enquiring about the progress of Rog’s toe, I thought I’d put an update on the blog to save typing it over and over again!

The news is good, apparently.  The podiatrist removed the black dead bit on the end a couple of weeks ago.  Rog went back to to St Mary’s at Paddington last Wednesday and they were very pleased with it – it seems to be healing at long last.  The infection seems to have cleared up, and it looks very clean, although not very pretty. It will never be what it was, as there is a large chunk of flesh from the end which has completely gone now, but if it heals over it won’t be too bad.  

He has another appointment on Dec 1st, and they will measure progress then, and make a final decision as to whether to leave well alone, or to chop the top off.  So we are still playing a waiting game, but it sounds more promising now.

Watch this space.

Saturday, 6 November 2010

A fabulous day…..

Yesterday the long awaited day arrived at last– our son Russ and his fiancé Nat’s wedding day!  We had the most fabulous day imaginable.  We are so proud of them both – Russ’s speech was funny and moving, and, breaking with tradition, Nat also made a speech.  She looked absolutely stunning, and we are so pleased to welcome her into the family.  Our two eldest granddaughters were bridesmaids and behaved impeccably, no mean feat for five and three and a half years old!  Even baby Elizabeth entertained the guests with an amazing bout of hiccups just before the ceremony started!  Nat’s small godsons were pageboys, and were also beautifully behaved.  The photos are just a few of the hundreds taken, we are awaiting the official photos very soon.


   Best Man Rob and Bridegroom Russ


Signing the Register


Me and Rog


With Russ’s ‘honourary’ godparents, Rick and Ann, and daughters Jenny and Karen (our goddaughter)


Karen with Elizabeth, with my 83 year old Mum in the background


The happy couple


Cutting the cake


The first dance