Saturday, 27 September 2008
Sorry Ang, I lied!
Thursday, 25 September 2008
Does the NeoCounter speak with forked tongue?
And, while we are on the subject of comments - come on you lot - those of you who know us, and those who don't, we would like to know what you think. Are we doing it right, or is it boring you senseless? (Lesley from nb Caxton is excluded from this - as is Greygal from DogsOn Tour, and Chas and Ann from Moore 2 Life - thanks you lot - you are the only readers that we've had comments from - keep 'em coming)
Tuesday, 23 September 2008
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's............

No sooner had I posted the last progress report than we received some more photos from XR & D and I was moved to doctor the above photo and send it to Gary!! Still a shame about the pose though!!

Cabin sides - and portholes!
Sunday, 21 September 2008
Progress Report No 4

From the bow, again showing curves

Scroll-work on the bow

She has a roof!
Gary of XR & D - what a fine figure of a boat-builder!! Shame about the pose though, Gaz!!
Saturday 20th September
It was such a beautiful day yesterday, we decided not to waste it, so we went over to have a look at Market Harborough Basin. What a lovely, peaceful spot.
We then went over to Foxton Locks, one of our favourite places for a 'fix', had some lunch and then took Cassie for a nice long walk along the towpath. On the way we enountered Les, taking it easy on board nb Valerie, and had a chat with him. Meanwhile nb Skyy came cruising past! We have been reading boat blogs for a long time now, and not having met any of the bloggers, and now we've met 3 in a week!
Sunday, 14 September 2008
Swallows and Amazons to the rescue!!!
We read on Moore 2 Life's blog on Friday evening that Charles and Ann had been stuck at Wansford Lock on the Nene for a week. As it is only 10 minutes from us, on Saturday morning we thought that we would go over and introduce ourselves and find out if they needed anything. After being given a very warm welcome and a cup of coffee, we took Ann to Tesco in Peterborough as they were running a bit short of essentials. When we returned we found Charles down the weed-hatch trying to cut free a rope which had become wrapped around the prop when they came up the lock. He wasn't having a great deal of luck, and his arm was cut to ribbons by the edge of the hatch by this time, so Rog, having arms as long as a gorilla's, offered to have a go. There was a great deal of choice language coming from the depths of the weed-hatch, and after a while he managed to free the prop. All was not well, however, as the engine would go into reverse, but would not engage forward gear. The men fiddled around for a while, as men are apt to do, but to no avail. I think a call to RCR was in order.
Rog took a lovely photo of their Jack Russell, Molly. What a poser!!! She is a sweet little dog, it made us wish we had taken Cassie along with us - they would have had a wonderful time chasing each other around the field next to their mooring.
It was lovely to meet you both - hope you will be on your way again soon. We look forward to meeting you again in the future, and thank you, Ann, for the lovely flowers.Saturday, 13 September 2008
Progress Report No 3
Sunday, 7 September 2008
RYA Inland Waterways Helmsman's Course
After our visit to XR & D we were in high spirits as we continued on to Shropshire. We were heading for Offley Grove Farm where we had booked a nights B & B as we wanted to be at Norbury Junction for 8.30 the following morning. The B & B rooms in the main farmhouse were full so we were given a lovely cottage all to ourselves for the night, and partook of an enormous Offley Grove breakfast the following morning - I could feel my arteries hardening as I ate - but I didn't care!!
We arrived at Norbury Junction in good time, and Terry Robertson met us on Shropshire Lass with the kettle on! We unloaded our bags, and, after a coffee, Terry took us on a tour of the boat, and quizzed us to find out how much knowledge we actually had. We set off about half an hour later, heading for Market Drayton where we were to spend the night. We did lots of zig-zagging at different speeds to see how the boat handled, and he taught us how to reverse the boat properly - I was useless at it, but Rog was really good, so that will be his job. I did manage to wind the boat successfully though - I've always let Rog do that in the past, but I will happily do it myself now.
Concentrating hard!

We worked through Tyrley locks in the afternoon - always one of my favorite places on the whole of the network - and Terry seemed happy that we knew what we were doing. By this time it was raining hard - but we didn't care - we were happy just to be out on a boat again!
Wednesday 3rd September
We pulled the pins (I've been dying to say that!) at 8.00 and headed back towards Tyrley locks on our return journey to Norbury Junction. The side-washes at the locks were really fierce so Terry taught us how to enter the locks at speed to counteract the flow of water - it was terrifying! I have never headed straight towards a lock wall at that speed before, then moved the tiller at the last minute to get the bow in, then again to get the stern in - then hard into reverse to stop the boat before it hit the top gates. But it worked. I only did one like that - I was too scared to do any more, Rog did the rest, and I worked the locks! Terry also taught Rog how to do a lock single handed which we hope he will never have to do - but it's as well to know how. We did some more reversing practice - I was still no good at it. We moored back at Norbury Junction about 3.30pm and, after a cup of tea, and more questions, Terry went off the spend the night at home. We ate at the Junction pub, and then had a couple of games of cards before bed.

Rog, getting wet!
Nosy ducks at Norbury Junction.
Thursday 4th September
We set off again about 8am, this time bound for Wheaton Aston, to practice all we had learned. No locks this time, just more reversing, winding etc. We winded when we got there, then Terry made me reverse again to the facilities so he could do a pump-out. I made a right hash of it yet again. The heavens opened once more, so when we had finished with the pump out and set off back towards Norbury, Terry went inside and heated soup for lunch - never has a mug of soup been more welcome - we were drenched by this time, but still smiling!
We arrived back at Norbury at about 2.30, where Terry gave us our certificates, and said he hadn't had to teach us much! Wrong - he taught us loads, and we had a great time. Even though we have been boating for 10 years, on hire boats, on our own old narrowboat, and on a share boat we knew that we still had lots to learn. It was well worth doing. Thanks Terry!!!!
A boat is born.... our first visit to XR & D

The stern is almost complete, and the swim is in place

Looking down the port side.....

and the starboard side......

and down the centre of the boat towards the stern.
One of the many decorative scrolls.
The bow is the next part to be done, and is probably in place by now - we will go up again in a few weeks - it will look more like a boat by then!