Our latest trip up to Beacon and we found that lots of handles have appeared on our cupboards, and very nice they look too! The bedroom is almost complete. All that remains to be done in there is for the over-bed cupboard to be put in, and for the reading lights to be attached.
The dinette is now finished, also the bits to make it into a spare bed. Neil has made a very clever 3 fold frame which fills the gap, and then 3 boards to make the sleeping platform. I have to admit that when I first saw it folded up and leaning against the side I thought it looked a bit Heath-Robinson-ish, and complicated, but when Neil showed us how it went together, it's a piece of cake, takes about 30 seconds and is sturdy enough to hold even the most energetic of visitors!!! He made the sleeping platform boards in three parts so they would store away under the dinette bench easily, and not be too awkward or heavy to handle. The man is a genius! There is a drawer in the return part of the 'L', with the Shoreline 12v freezer inside.

Freezer drawer closed
and open And last, but not least, the front step is made, although I've made more work for Neil because the first riser is a bit high for me. We discussed options and because of the cupboard doors he can't now change the level of it, so he's going to put another little step in front of it, as there's loads of room. In the photo it looks as if the height from the step to outside is bigger, but I think that's an optical illusion caused by the angle of the photo, and because I am stepping out over the lip and then down again a few inches, it doesn't seem so high.
The next job on the agenda, according to Neil, is to make the other door (from the saloon into the bathroom) and then begin on the corner boatman's cupboard for the saloon. This idea is blatantly filched from Nb Caxton, but mine will be a bit different as it will have a glass door on the top cupboard, so I can display my small collection of pottery jugs, without which the boat won't feel like home! "Glass door!!, pottery jugs!!" I hear you cry, as you throw up your hands in horror! "What happens the first time you misjudge the entrance to a lock? The whole lot will come crashing down" Well, I've thought of that - it will be toughened glass, with a lock to stop the door flying open, and the jugs will be stuck down on the shelves with sticky pads. If, despite efforts to the contrary, it does all end in disaster, we will have the door replaced with a solid one, and if any of the jugs have survived they will have to be found another home.