Friday, 30 January 2009
Sitting on the Dock of the eBay...
The auction for the first of the our BBC transcription LPs ends on Sunday, and we have high hopes for that - hope we aren't disappointed! Watch this space.......
Drawers, drawers everywhere...
We had decided to go with our original thought and have Corian for the galley worktops, and then were persuaded by Ali to go and look at the granite anyway - she had showed us on our previous vist how easy it is to scratch the Corian - so we went to see their supplier, Quorn Stone and we were convinced! The result is that we are having granite worktops in the galley! The photo below doesn't show up the colours particularly well, but it gives an idea - it is a mixture of greys and browns, and looks so much better than the sample piece of Corian that we had - a bit darker, but we're both in love with it, so that's ok.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Mum - it doesn't fit...
We have got a bit addicted to selling stuff on eBay - not that we've been doing it long, but have sold a Tivo (old hard-drive TV recorder), and a TENS machine. They didn't go for much but at least it's better than chucking them on the tip. We have some other stuff with bids all of which end at the weekend - Rog's RAF Mess Dress has a bid of £102 so far, with 13 people watching so hopefully it will go a bit higher, and we have a few watchers on some furniture. I can't see that going for much either, as it's all quite old and very traditional in style. However, we have some old and very rare BBC Transcription LPs - we have found a website that gives record auction results, and some of the LPs we have got have gone for a good few bob (one made a huge £800 a few years ago!!!) When we discovered this we got very excited, and spent the rest of the day cataloguing the rest, and putting one on eBay to test the water. If it does well - or even if it doesn't, we will put the others on a few at a time and, you never know, we might make enough to pay for the washing machine and tumble dryer! Keep your fingers crossed for us!
The Bank and '3' versus us....
Rog spotted a really good deal from '3' just before New Year - mobile broadband and 500 mins for £22 a month, saving us around £10 a month on two separate deals. We duly trudged into Peterborough (I hate Peterborough!) to the '3' shop, only to find that it was an internet deal - but they did the paperwork for us anyway. We then had a phone call from '3' informing us that we had been chosen for a random fraud check, and they needed us to fax them a copy of a recent bank statement with the account details, and our address on. We didn't mind as we have been subject to a mobile phone contract fraud ourselves. But the problem is that we do internet banking, and don't get paper statements - and here the problems started!
Rog phoned the bank and asked them to send him one, in the post, explaining exactly what we needed. "Certainly Sir"they said. A week later nothing had appeared.
Second phone call to the bank. They said there was nothing on their system to say we'd asked for one and we should go to the branch in P'borough and they would print one out and certify it. Rog did that. "Not good enough" said '3'.
Third phone call to the bank - "Nothing on the system to say you've asked for one Sir - very sorry - we'll get one out to you" By this time Rog's blood pressure was going up! One week later still nothing.
Fourth phone call to the bank - I did it this time as Rog was in serious danger of losing his temper big time - spoke to a lovely lady who promised to get it to us, but it could take 10 days. On Saturday it arrived - in a hand-written envelope with no address on the statement! Ahhgggrrr! Much gnashing of teeth. Spoke to '3' again (we were in danger of losing the order as they had already held it over for a month) They said to fax the statement and some other forms of proof of address, but they couldn't guarantee that it would do. Rog did this.
A call from '3' on Monday morning - "have you sent the fax" "Yes" Rog said. They said they hadn't received it!!! More gnashing of teeth.
Another call to the bank - same lady - it turns out that they can't produce a statement retrospectively that has all that we need on it, so we changed the internet details to ask for paper statements again, and she changed the date that it is produced today. We will wait and see if it arrives!! ('3' have held the order again - but not for much longer, I fear)
The bank also had the cheek to charge us a fiver for a 'historical statement, but the nice lady at the bank said she would credit our account - it would show up today. Rog had a look this evening - it's there under Refund of Charges - but they've debited it not credited it!!!!! I think I'm going to slit my wrists!!! I'll have to phone them again tomorrow!!! We can't understand it - we've banked with the same branch for almost 34 years, ever since we've been married, and always been really happy with their Customer Service - they've undone all that in one fell swoop! Personally - I would have told '3' to stick their deal - but Rog doesn't want to do that as it is so good (apparently even Mortgage lenders accept a bank certified statement as proof of address so why won't they?) Watch this space - we'll keep you posted.
If you've managed to stay awake through this boring saga - we are going to Beacon again on Thursday, so more pics of the boat then.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Another visit...
The cross bed is constructed - this is it in the closed position
Then with one of the extension pieces pulled across
And with all three extension pieces pulled across
Neil has made the extension in three pieces so that it can be put up by one person if necessary. Good idea, although neither of us is planning to spend much time alone on the boat, you never know when circumstances may dictate otherwise. We will have a two-piece mattress. Originally we were going to have one with a hinged bottom (!) section, but that would have meant that the mattress could not be turned to ensure even wear, so we decided on two separate pieces - we won't feel the join through a topper and a mattress cover.
The khasi in place
The tiles inside the shower have now been grouted and look lovely - so glad we chose them instead of plain white!
I had a bit of a wobble about the tiles that I had chosen for the splashback in the galley, so I persuaded Rog that I needed to go and have another look as we were so close to East Midlands Ceramics in Loughborough We also had a quick look in B & Q which is just over the road, but I didn't like anything in there. I had originally chosen two colours for the splashback, but have decided just to use the one colour with random decorative tiles with a chrome motif (once again we forgot to take photos of them) I'm much happier with them now I have seen them again. Also having a bit of a re-think about using Corian worktops, as the composite is on an MDF base - don't like the thought of MDF on a boat. So Ali is going to speak with her granite man and price up real granite. She thinks that the price won't be all that much different. We shall have to see how it pans out.
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Sunset from the porthole!! ...
Mum was really quite poorly over the weekend, but yesterday morning she decided that she was well enough to travel, and please would I take her home to her electric blanket?! This I did, and this morning she was well enough to be left, so after doing some shopping for her, I came home to Rog. She will recover much faster in her bungalow without having to worry about the stairs, so I left her too it. She has a very good friend who only lives a few minutes away, and drives, so she will pop in every day to check she is still on the mend, and get her any shopping she needs.
We have had a beautiful day today, after the coldest night of the year, and were rewarded with this beautiful sunset, which the camera doesn't really do justice to.
Saturday, 3 January 2009
And Mother came too.....
We took my 81 year old Mum with us as she's been dying to see progress - she can't wait to come cruising with us. She had a bit of a struggle to get up the stepladder and into the boat, but she made it, and was very impressed. (David Bailey forgot to get a photo of her on the boat, so you'll have to take my word for it that she was actually there!)
Much progress has been made - the Travel Power is in, and the electrics are coming on a treat.