The bedroom flooring is down, as is most of the shower room floor, and a bit in the galley
The water system and the central heating system are now filled and checked for leaks - none found, thank goodness! Some of the lights are also connected up and working, and very pretty they look too!
Sheila Smith at S.A.B Signs is due to start on the signwriting next Wednesday - unfortunately it is doubtful that we will be able to go up and watch which is a pity. However, daughter Emma and son-in-law Ben, and grand-daughters Florence and Milly are coming on Thursday for the weekend, and to be given the grand tour, so hopefully we will go up on Friday, and Sheila should still be there beavering away.
Oh, nearly forgot - the engine is just about all connected up, just the exhaust to finish.
So there has been a lot going on , just not much to see! Hopefully, when we go up next week there will be much more to photograph.
It is hard to beleive that it will all be ready and on the water in four to six weeks time - there still seems such a lot to do - Neil, Ali and Andy are working flat out to make sure it is ready. They are all heros!
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