We popped over to Blisworth Tunnel Boats this morning just to check that Windsong had come out of the water ok – there was a slight worry about her rear-end weight (bit like me really!!) and the power of their hoist, but everything was fine. We checked her anodes and stern gear – it all looked okay and apparently the anodes still have plenty of life in them, at least enough to last until her next blacking. The painter said that the steel was in good nick – but it looked awful to me! When you compare it to how it looked the last time we saw it out of the water – brand new- well, it would, wouldn’t it!!!

Prop and rudder look fine

Anodes still look good, and the bow thruster is clean and clear

In the shed – supported over the water by just a few planks!

Rog is wondering if they protect the new blacking from the chains when they put it back in the water!
After much thought, discussion, and changing of minds back and forth, we have decided to have her blacked right up to the gunwales. It may not look quite so smart, but then neither does scratched and patched high-gloss black, which, when you do a lot of cruising, takes the brunt of the knocks and scrapes. By having the whole lot blacked it will be easier to keep it looking good and the steel protected. Of course, it’s always yours truly’s fault when we get a scratch when I’m driving, but always something sticking out of a lock wall, or a broken bit of Armco when Rog is driving – funny, that!