Sunday, 26 June 2011


We entered Stourport yesterday morning in a very strong wind, watered and then managed to secure a mooring at the end of the basin, in front of The Tontine, which we think used to be an hotel and is now being converted into apartments and town houses.  Just over from us was moored Beacon’s No 11 boat, Fruit of the Vine, but nobody was on board. We met up with Lesley and Joe from nb Caxton (and yes, Lesley, I have read your comments on your blog !!) who are moored there for a few months while their new boat is being built nearby.  Lunch was had in the Hollybush and a good old natter and catch-up.  Rog and Joe then went up the High Street to buy incontinence pads (no, not for me!) to soak up our diesel leak and Lesley and I set off an a hike to take Cassie, Fletcher and Floyd (their two black labs)for a walk.  Well, it was a hike for me, but a mere stroll in the park for Lesley who has been known to walk 12 miles and more in a day!  Up hill and down dale we went up on the common in Stourport.  I had to have a sit down and a cuppa when we returned, but Lesley went on to cut the grass around their mooring – that girl has more energy than she can use up in a day!  We later went out for a curry and yet more nattering and a good time was had by all.

SDC10830nb Fruit of the Vine

SDC10835Our mooring

SDC10833The basin by night

1.5 miles and 1 lock

1 comment:

  1. Lovely to see all of you, enjoy your cruising!
    X Lesley


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