Saturday, 9 April 2011

Llangollen to the Monty…

We left Llangollen at 9 o’clock yesterday morning in glorious sunshine, and had a very swift trip, owing to the current being with us, and no hold ups.  Back over Pontcysllte and Chirk Aqueducts.  We got as far as the Poacher’s Pocket at Chirk, and decided to stop for lunch as it was Rog’s birthday.  After lunch we continued on for an hour or so and moored near the village of St Martin’s Moor.  The countryside was even more stunning in the sunshine.

SDC10316The ruined Castell Dinas Bran


SDC10324Back in England having just crossed Chirk Aqueduct

SDC10325The Poacher’s Pocket, where we had a very nice lunch

SDC10328Our mooring

SDC10330Karen very kindly made Rog a birthday cake – date and walnut, and it was yummy!

11.25 miles and 0 locks

This morning, we set out for Frankton Junction and the Montgomery Canal, having booked passage down the locks, ( a 2 lock staircase and then 2 separate locks) which are only open from 12 – 2 every day.  We arrived around 11.30 and found 2 boats ahead of us, and a couple waiting to come up the locks.  The lock-keeper started 2 boats down the 2 lock staircase first, then intended to lock one up, but he was taking so long in the lock below that he waved Serenity into the first lock.  After them, he let 2 come up, so it was 1.30 before we even started to lock down – Serenity had been waiting ages for us at the bottom!  We continued on and found a mooring in the middle of nowhere – not really big enough for 2 boats our length, but we managed to squeeze in.  The Monty is very wild and beautiful, and it’s only possible to moor on visitor moorings, which are few and far between.

SDC10332Turning at  Frankton Junction

SDC10334Fourth in line

SDC10343In the 2nd lock of the staircase

SDC10344Moored almost in the undergrowth

SDC10345A Peacock Butterfly by our mooring – not sure if this is a bit early for them

5.6 miles and 7 locks


  1. We are heading in your direction. Should be moored on the LLangollen tomorrow and heading for the Monty. Keep in touch for a meet up

  2. Hi both - coming off the Monty tomorrow and heading back down the Llangollen so should see you soon. xx

  3. OK, travelling tomorrow - Wednesday a day of rest; so see you soon xx
    PS How much notice required for Frankton Locks?

  4. Hi Both

    Wednesday probably a rest day for us, forecast not too good, around Ellesmere.

    Frankton locks need to be booked by 1000 on the day of travel (locks open 1200-1400) but book earlier if poss. Tel: 01606 723800



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